
Accelerator pump kit

Air cut off valve

Bolts, nuts, screws


Carb boots

Carb parts exploded view

Carb drain screw

Carb rebuild kit

Carb slide diaphragm

Choke repair kit



Emulsion tubes




Float and float pins

Float bowl gaskets

Float needle valves

Float needle valve by mfgr

Fuel filters

Fuel line

Fuel pump & rebuild kits

Fuel valves

Fuel vents



Handlebar pads

Handlebar riser

Intake flange, mounting flange, manifolds


Mixture screws


Needle jets

Needle valve

Nuts and bolts

Oil drain plugs

Oil filters

Oil filter bolts


Petcock and diaphragm

Pictures customer

Pilot screw

Rebuild kits



Spark plugs



Valve shims

Wire loom

Customer service







Forward the paypal payment receipt if inquiring about an order

Expedited shipping

There are so many variables regarding the type of jet that coulb be in the carb, if you need help identifying it let us know the orifice size number, the year, make, model, brand of carb, chinese copy, and if it had a jet kit installed. Please send a picture of the jet (removed from the carburetor, do not send pictures of the carb). See also things to check before ordering.

You sent the wrong jets Each person must measure the jet dimensions we list and compare them to the jet in their carb, also read the number printed on the jet in your carb before ordering new jets. We have no control over what happens to parts once they leave us; some customers drill jets out, test and tune etc. therefore all jet sales have to be final. This policy insures that Jetsrus customers get brand new jets. We ask that you measure to prevent incorrect purchases so we don't have dialogue like this oops I didn't read. Sometimes we make the mistake and pack the wrong jet. If we do that we will exchange the jets.

Can you help me identify my jet? Measure the dimensions and read the number printed on the jet in your carb before ordering new jets. While the no return policy may seem harsh it helps us protect you from getting jets that have been tampered with. If dimensions you measured don't match the jet, do not purchase it, because it will NOT WORK. Please read our identify an unknown jet and the FAQs and if you need help identifying a jet send a picture of the jet (not the carb) year, make, model, carb brand, if it has an aftermarket carb and if it has a jet kit installed.

All jetting sales are final, if you need help email prior to making order and we can help identify jets mike@jetsrus.com We dont want anyone to get the wrong jet (jetting sales are final, no return or exchange) if you did not measure and confirm the jet you need, do it now before ordering, or read how to dentify the jet.

Customers that think they should be able to return used or drilled out jets and raise cost for everyone else end up on the oops i didn't read.